08 November 2015

What shall I wear today

No big deal for me just take any of my photo cards and I am done. Ok maybe I need different shoes according  to the "Sauwetter" as we say over here in Germany. (Yes Sau really means sow, pig,  swine)
On the other hand there is a couple of pairs in my shoe closet which have been neglected over the last years and are considered to come to glory in my new outfit project. We will see. Now for today I shuffled the stack and chose 2 cards which are these:

Jeans, pink  cashmere cardigan and either a tshirt or the white blouse. Don't really know, have to try.
And I made my nails new yesterday with my pink nail lacquer from Chanel which I  love and gives me the princess feeling as it was so expensive  compared to my other cheap nail lacquers. But once in a while you have to treat yourself, true?

Now, you tell me which outfit you like better, please.

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