24 June 2009

Tibet family

Tibet family
Originally uploaded by Ginas Pics
Grandfather is making mudras, handsigns, to show his joy to be greeted by me, when I said: "Tashi Delek, ... good afternoon..." He looks after his 7 year old grandson Chökry. They sit in front of their nice farm house outside of Lhasa, capital of Tibet, now outonomus region in China.
This family was well off, they had a beautiful farmhouse which he asked me in later on. I was offered butter tea which I drank a little bit of. The taste was very unusual for me but I tried imagining it to be soup instead of tea.
see on black:

1 comment:

···················#############################............... said...


“Die europäische Familie”, sagte J.J….
“Gibt es nicht”, sagt der Bürger. “Ich war in Europa mit Kevin Egan aus Paris. Nirgendwo in Europa findet man eine Spur von ihnen oder ihrer Sprache, ausser in einem cabinet d’aisance.”

(Seite 365)

Erstausgabe 1922. Damals wie heute zutreffend.

James Joyce, Ulysses, Rhein-Verlag AG, Zürich, 1959